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Is Addie Poynter Missing? What Happened to Addie Poynter?

A 15-year-old Addison Poynter, known as Addie, is accounted for missing. She left her home in Covington, leaving a note for her folks, and in spite of policing, Addie has not been found.

Is Addie Poynter Missing? At this point, 15-year-old Addison Poynter, frequently called Addie, is accounted for as absent.

She took off from her home in Covington on Hallmark Path, leaving a note for her folks saying she would be away for some time. In spite of endeavors from policing, has not been found. The latest data puts her in Midtown Blue Edge, and different organizations are engaged with the hunt.

Addie is depicted as 5 feet 6 inches tall, weighing 130 pounds, with long earthy colored hair. She was most recently seen wearing pajama pants with yellow ducks, a dull hued hoodie, and white Crocs. On the off chance that anybody has data about her whereabouts, they are urged to contact the Newton District Sheriff’s Office.

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Who is Addie Poynter? Addison Poynter, generally known as Addie, is a 15-year-old young lady from Covington.

She is as of now detailed as absent subsequent to taking off from her home on Hallmark Path. Addie left a note for her folks, communicating her aim to be away for some time. In spite of endeavors from policing, has not been situated, with her most recent area being in Midtown Blue Edge on Thursday night.

Addie is depicted as 5 feet 6 inches tall, weighing 130 pounds, with long earthy colored hair. She was most recently seen wearing pajama pants with yellow ducks, a dull shaded hoodie, and white Crocs. Assuming anybody has data about her whereabouts, they are asked to contact the Newton Region Sheriff’s Office.

What has been going on with Addie Poynter? The conditions prompting Addie Poynter’s vanishing are not completely known right now. On the night she disappeared, she left her home in Covington, leaving a note for her folks showing her expectation to be away for some time. Regardless of continuous endeavors from policing, has not been found.

Is Addie Poynter Dead? There is no data showing that Addison Poynter has died. She is at present revealed as absent subsequent to taking off from her home in Covington. Addie left a note for her folks, expressing she would be away for some time. In spite of continuous endeavors from policing, has not been situated, with her latest area in Midtown Blue Edge on Thursday night.

Is Addie Poynter Missing? – FAQs

1. Is Addie Poynter missing? Indeed, 15-year-old Addison Poynter, otherwise called Addie, is at present revealed as absent.

2. Where did Addie Poynter disappear from? Addie took off from her home on Hallmark Path in Covington.

3. Where was Addie Poynter last seen? Her latest realized area was in Midtown Blue Edge on Thursday night.

4. Who is Addison Poynter? Addison Poynter, generally known as Addie, is a 15-year-old young lady from Covington.

5. What did Addie Poynter say in the note she left for her folks? Addie referenced in the note that she would be away for some time.