Chloe Douglas, 21, missing in midtown Vancouver. RCMP looks for public assistance. Last seen close to Granville and Nelson roads. Contact Surrey separation or Wrongdoing Plugs.
A 21-year-elderly person, Chloe Douglas, was accounted for missing in midtown Vancouver, last seen close to Granville and Nelson roads. The Surrey RCMP looked for public help, communicating worry for her prosperity after she was accounted for missing a day after the fact.
Portrayed as Caucasian, five-foot-seven, and 125 pounds, with earthy colored hair and green eyes, Chloe was most recently seen wearing a dark coat and light-shaded pants.
Chloe Douglas, a 21-year-old individual, acquired consideration while detailed missing in midtown Vancouver close to Granville and Nelson roads. Portrayed as Caucasian, five-foot-seven, and 125 pounds, with earthy colored hair and green eyes, Chloe was most recently seen wearing a dark coat and light-hued pants.
The Surrey RCMP looked for public help and communicated worries for her prosperity. Luckily, an update affirmed that Chloe has been tracked down safe, carrying help to her family and the local area. While explicit insights concerning her experience and the conditions of her vanishing are not given, the attention is on her protected recuperation.
Chloe Douglas, a 21-year-old, was most recently seen close to Granville and Nelson roads in midtown Vancouver on Tuesday around 4 p.m. She was accounted for missing the following day, and the RCMP in Surrey is currently looking for public help to find her. Portrayed as five feet seven inches tall, roughly 125 pounds, with earthy colored hair and green eyes, Chloe was most recently seen wearing a dark coat and light-hued pants.
Anybody with data about her location is asked to contact the Surrey separation at 604-599-0502, referring to document number 2024-4511, or to call Wrongdoing Plugs at 1-800-222-8477 to stay mysterious.
There is no report on whether Chloe Douglas has been found. The Regal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) in Surrey are effectively looking for help from general society in finding the 21-year-old, last found in midtown Vancouver.
Chloe was accounted for missing by her family, communicating worries about her prosperity. Depictions of her actual appearance and the clothing she was most recently seen in have been given. The RCMP has asked anybody with data to reach them or Wrongdoing Plugs namelessly.
What has been going on with Chloe Douglas?
Chloe Douglas, the 21-year-old revealed missing in midtown Vancouver, has been tracked down protected, as affirmed by the police. Surrey RCMP, who at first looked for public assistance, communicated worries for her prosperity. She was most recently seen in the Granville Road region, wearing a dark coat and light-hued pants.
Explicit insights concerning her revelation and current condition are not given, however her name has been kept for protection. The update guarantees that Chloe Douglas is done missing, offering alleviation to her stressed family and the local area.
1. Who is Chloe Douglas?
Chloe Douglas is a 21-year-old individual revealed missing in midtown Vancouver close to Granville and Nelson roads. Portrayed as Caucasian, she is five-foot-seven, 125 pounds, with earthy colored hair and green eyes.
2. Where was Chloe Douglas last seen?
Chloe Douglas was most recently seen close to Granville and Nelson roads in midtown Vancouver around 4 p.m. on Tuesday. The RCMP in Surrey is looking for public help to find her.
3. Has Chloe Douglas been found?
There is no report on Chloe Douglas’ status. The RCMP in Surrey is effectively looking for public help to find the missing 21-year-old. No data about her being found has been given.
4. What has been going on with Chloe Douglas?
Chloe Douglas, at first revealed missing, has been tracked down protected, as affirmed by the police. Explicit insights concerning her revelation and current condition are not accommodated security reasons.
5. What might I do for track down Chloe Douglas?
In the event that you have any data about Chloe Douglas’ whereabouts, kindly contact the Surrey RCMP at 604-599-0502, referring to document number 2024-4511. On the other hand, you can call Wrongdoing Plugs at 1-800-222-8477 to give unknown tips.