Damian West Missing, What Happened to Romford Damian West? Has Romford Damian West Been Found?

Damian West, a 14-year-old from Romford, has been absent since January 20, 2024, last seen landing from a transport close to Romford Market at 9:46 pm.

Damian West Absent

Damian West, a 14-year-old from Romford, has been absent since January 20, 2024. He was most recently seen getting off a transport close to Romford Market at 9:46 pm. There were other likely sightings with a unidentified individual.

Damian’s telephone was taken before around the same time, however he had no cards or resources. The quest for Damian is progressing, and the local area is encouraged to give any data.

Damian West Missing, What has been going on with Romford Damian West? Has Romford Damian West Been Found?

Who is Damian West?

Damian West is a 14-year-old from Romford. He has been absent since January 20, 2024. There were sightings of him getting off a transport and conceivably strolling with a unidentified individual.

Damian’s telephone was taken before around the same time, yet he had no cards or resources with him. His family is concerned, and they value everybody’s help.

Has Damian West Been Found?

There is no data about Damian West whereabouts. Reports say Damian has not been found at this point, and specialists, companions, and family are cooperating to bring him home securely. The conditions encompassing his vanishing raise concerns, and the expectation is that he will be found soon.

Remain all around informed with the most recent reports on TG TIME. Our news stories give significant bits of knowledge, critical data, and fundamental updates pretty much every one of the most recent points.

Damian West Missing-FAQs

1. Who is Damian West?
Damian West is a 14-year-old from Romford who has been absent since January 20, 2024. He was most recently seen getting off a transport close to Romford Market at 9:46 pm.

2. What has been going on with Damian West?
Damian West vanished in the wake of getting off a transport close to Romford Market at 9:46 pm on January 20, 2024. His telephone was taken before that day, and the local area’s assistance is urgent for his protected return.

3. Has Damian West been found?
There is no report on whether Damian West has been found. He disappeared on January 20, 2024, and the local area is encouraged to give any data to help with finding him.

4. How old is Damian West?
Damian West is 14 years of age.

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